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Online EXTEND conference

Final online conference of the Project was held on December 16-17, 2021.The conference was held by Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. All partner universities took an active part in it. The Project Coordinator Elisabeth Lazarou started the conference with her speech about the challenges of engineering education and reasons for starting the project, explained the system of EXTEND modules and the goals of each Work package.

The participants delivered presentations on EXTEND Centres of their universities, namely goals, objectives, purchased equipment, sustainability plans for the future beyond the Project lifetime.

Mordovia National Research State University, Riga Technical University and University of Minho presented the trainings held at their universities. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Tajik National University and Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University delivered presentations about dissemination international scientific conferences and discussed their outcomes. Also Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University presented information on holding EXTEND PhD School. Moreover, all partner universities spoke about the elaborated courses and online and offline piloting.

At the end of the conference participants discussed the issues of quality and assessment, made conclusions about the visible outcomes of the project and its wide dissemination.



Project Agenda 

Final project conference

Erasmus+Capacity Building in Higher Education project EXTEND

Excellence in engineering education through teaching and new pedagogic approaches in Russiaand Tajikistan