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EXTEND Meeting in Khujand State University

International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives”

June 5, 2018: We were very happy to receive the visit of the delegation from the Erasmus+ "Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan" EXTEND project.

 Ogarev Mordovia State University (MRSU)

Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training

and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan LINK

National Erasmus+ office in Russia has sent two his officials - Deputy Director A. A. Muravyeva and expert of the Russian Federation – Yu.N. Redina to review two international projects implemented at Mordovia State University within the Erasmus+ programme LINK

During February 24 - March 3, Ogarev Mordovia State University hosted a consortium meeting&workshop. The event is part of international Erasmus+ project entitled «Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan» (EXTEND). LINK

Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan LINK

EXTEND introduction workshop: new approaches to teaching engineers discussed. LINK

The University’s EU international projects vetted: in abeyance for final approval. LINK

Economics Faculty launches a continuing education course «Design of educational programs: integration of experience of European and Russian universities». LINK

Mordovia State University and Tajik National University extend a cooperation agreement. LINK

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU)


Первая встреча по проекту EXTEND в рамках программы ERASMUS 20.12.2017, LINK


MGSU_Final Project Conference, 16-17 December 2021, LINK , LINK

Первая встреча по проекту EXTEND в рамках программы ERASMUS. LINK

Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education. PDF LINK

Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education II. PDF LINK


Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU)

EXTEND Project Events in Photos

NMSTU EXTEND Members’ Report on the Conference “Internationalization and Erasmus+ Projects in Russia

International Scientific and Practical conference  “HUMAN+” on the ground of NMSTU EXTEND Centre

Round Table “Defectologists’ Day”

«EXTEND PhD School» at NMSTU

Opening of the NMSTU EXTEND Centre

NMSTU EXTEND Centre website

Development of Cooperation between NMSTU an TNU

NMSTU and RTU signed cooperation agreement

EXTEND Project development

International Scientific and Practical Skype Conference on “EXTEND CENTERS COLLABORATION”

Article about NMSTU EXTEND Centre Opening ceremony in the Newspaper “Dennitsa”#3, 21 of February, 2020

NMSTU EXTEND Centre: Public Lecture on how to pass exams successfully


EXTEND Project Seminar at BMSTU

NMSTU SCIENTIFIC BOARD, 27 November.2019: EXTEND Centre Establishment

EXTEND: New Results

EXTEND Project Seminar #3 at Politechnical University of Bucharest (3-9 June, 2018)

International Scientific and Practical Conference  «Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives»

Article about the future of engineering education: University News

EXTEND Project Seminar "Excellence in engineering education throught teacher training and new pedagogic approaches in Russia and Tajikistan" at  University of Minho

Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education: EXTEND Project

Erasmus +Capacity Building in Higher Education a New Project at NMSTU

 Technological University of Tajikistan (TUT)

EXTEND final online project Conference with the team of TUT, TNU and UPB



 Tajik National University (TNU)

On-line conference «Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan» in TUT

EXTEND final Management Board and Sustainability Meeting, 20-22 December 2021, Dushanbe, Tajikistan (on EXTEND Facebook fanpage)

TNU_ EXTEND final Management Board and Sustainability Meeting, 20-22 December 2021, Dushanbe, Tajikistan (on TNU website)

TV film “Va tabiat” – “Science and Nature” (Report about EXTEND project from minute 9.03 – to 11.45)

«Повышение квалификации в области инженерного образования через подготовку преподавателей и применение новых педагогических подходов в России и Таджикистане (EXTEND)» LINK

Project #586060-EPP-1-2017-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE JP «Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan» (acronym – EXTEND) INTER-INSTITUTIONAL AGREEMENT ON EXTEND. LINK

RTU FSD International projects unit has succesfully initiated Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education project entitled EXTEND “Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan”. Project consortium consists of 11 higher education institutions coming from Latvia, Romania, Portugal, UK, Russia and Tajikistan. LINK

Khujand State University (KSU)

Ширкат дар семинари лоиҳаи ERASMUS + EXTEND дар Донишгоҳи давлатии техникии Москва ба номи Н. Э. Бауман. LINK

Очередной онлайн – семинар по проекту ERASMUS+EXTEND. LINK

ZOOM – MEETING: ERASMUS+EXTEND «Развитие инженерного образования путем подготовки преподавателей и новые педагогические методы в России и Таджикистана». LINK

ERASMUS + EXTEND Беҳдошти таҳсилоти муҳандисӣ тавассути омода намудани омӯзгорон ва методҳои нави педагогӣ дар Русия ва Тоҷикистон. LINK

KSU and KulSU «Erasmus Plus – Extend ва рушди таҳсилоти муҳандисӣ Тоҷикистону Россия» Анвори Дониш. Моҳномаи ДДК ба номи А. Рӯдакӣ № 08 (260) аз 16/10/2017 (Istamkulov Jamsehd, Orzu Orifov)

KSU «Беҳтаргардонии таҳсилоти муҳандисӣ тавассути омода намудани омӯзгорон ва методҳои нави падагогӣ дар Руссия ва Тоҷикистон» Нури Маърифат 24.10.2017 № 18-19 (2211-12) (Istamkulov Jamshed) LINK

 Article “ERASMUS+ Programs and priority areas of education in Tajikistan” in the “Sogdiyskaya oblast” newspaper, #37 04.05.19

 Article “ERASMUS+ Project and prospects for engineering education in Tajikistan” in the “Sogdiyskaya oblast” newspaper, #15 19.02.20

Article “ERASMUS+ EXTEND and problems of development of international relations” in the “Sogdiyskaya oblast” newspaper, #98 07.12.21


 Project: EXTEND - Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan.