Work package 5
Dissemination and Exploitation
- Dissemination Project Conference - “Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and perspectives”, Magnitogorsk, RF, June 2019
- Dissemination Project Conference - “Development of Engineering Teaching through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan”, Dushanbe, June 2019
- Dissemination Skype Conference – “The use of modern distance learning technologies in work of EXTEND-Centre of the project EXTEND”, May 2020
- Final online project conference, Agenda with online conference available on youtube: Day 1 - https://youtu.be/V1HGZMn-uzA and Day 2 - https://youtu.be/E-XsWhjn_xI
- Dissemination Plan - Report on Dissemination, Exploitation, and Sustainability, October 2018 UPDATED March 2019
- Sustainability Plan, March 2020
- List of publications:
- Smirnova, Elena & Vatolkina, Natalia (2018). TEACHER TRAINING IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION: SEARCH FOR NEW PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES. 6240-6247. -DOI: 10.21125/inted.2018.1470.
- Miloradova N.G., Ishkov A.D. (2018) Introduction of information and communicative technologies at the Russian universities: projects and realty. MODERN JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODS, Tom 8 № 12, pages 65-78. https:// www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36644693
- Radu Ioan Mogos, Constanta Nicoleta Bodea, Maria-Iuliana Dascalu, Olga Safonkina, Elisabeth Lazarou, Elena Laura Trifan, Iosif Vasile Nemoianu (2018). “Technology Enhanced Learning for Industry 4.0 Engineering Education”, REVUE ROUMAINE DES SCIENCES TECHNIQUES – Série ÉLECTROTECHNIQUE et ÉNERGÉTIQUE, 2018, vol. 63 (4), pp. 429-435, ISSN: 0035-4066 (online publishing), WOS:000459843500013. Current Thomson Reuters (Clarivate Analytics) JCR impact factor 0.763. Available at: http://www.revue.elth.pub.ro/viewpdf.php?id=800.
- Lazarou Elisabeth, Trifan Laura (2018) “Opportunities and challenges of digitalization for international academic cooperation using the example of the German Higher Education”, Proceedings of The 14th International Scientific Conference on eLearning and Software for Education - eLearning Challenges and New Horizons, vol. II, April 19-20, 2018, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 201-208, ISSN:2066-026X, DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-18-098, WOS:000467466800027.
- Nițu, Melania, Dascalu, Maria-Iuliana, Bagîș, Sergean, Bodea, Constanta-Nicoleta (2018). “Supporting Constructivist Learning and Teaching with the Aid of VR-based Consumer Tech: A Case Study”, GOZINC 2018, NoviSad, Serbia.
- Nitu Melania, Bodea Constanta-Nicoleta, Dascalu Maria-Iuliana, Trifan Elena Laura, Lazarou Elisabeth (2018) Learning Analytics in an e-Testing Application: Premises and Conceptual Modelling, eLearning & Software for Education, vol. 2, 19-20 Aprilie 2018, Bucuresti, Romania, DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-18-103, pg. 239-246 (8 pg), IDS Number: BM6XL, WOS:000467466800032
- Ivanova Z.I., Miloradova N.G. Information and communication technologies as a basis distance education. Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2018, № 12 (101), pages 852-855. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36722230
- Miloradova N.G., Ivanova Z.I. The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2018, № 11(100), pages 600-603. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36512586
- Miloradova N.G, Ishkov A.D. Formation of the competences of social interaction at the technical university. MATEC WEB OF CONFERENCES, https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38608860, 2018.
- Miloradova N.G., Ishkov A.D. Study of the maturity of the management system of educational technologies in Russian universities. Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2018, № 11 (100), pages 808-811. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36512631
- Miloradova N.G., Ishkov A.D. Formation of professional and pedagogical competence of the technical university teacher. MODERN JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODS, 2018, Tom 8 № 11, pages 631-639. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36382908
- Зеркина Н.Н., Савинова Ю.А. (2018) Международные образовательные проекты как способ улучшения инженерного образования: проект EXTEND (International Educational Projects as a Means of Excellence in Engineering Education: cборник международной научной конференции "Латинский алфавит: гуманитарные науки и глобальная интеграция", посвященной 30-летию специальности "Казахский язык и литература" в рамках программы "РУХАНИ ЖАҢҒЫРУ". Ердембеков Б.А. 2018. С. 218-215.
- Зеркина Н.Н., Савинова Ю.А. (2018) Project "EXTEND": Professional Foreign Languages Communication: Иностранные языки: лингвистические и методические аспекты. № 42. С. 35-39.
- Smirnova Elena, Sidiqov Aabduvosit, Vahobov Abduvahob (2019) «New Approaches to the Organization of Educational Processes for Engineering Directions in Tajikistan» The 15 International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education Bucharest, April 11-12. DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-152, pр. 113-118.
- Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. Conference Proceedings. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia. – Publishing house ―Pero, 2019. – 195p. ISBN 978-5-00150-492-4 (EXTEND Dissemination Conference in Russian Federation)
- Conference proceedings – Development of Engineering Teaching Through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan. 25-26 June 2019, Dushanbe. (EXTEND Dissemination Conference in Tajikistan)
- Robin Clark, Sidiqov Aabduvosit, Vahobov Abduvahob, Smirnova Elena (2019) «Erasmus+ teachers' teaching centres: how to survive after the end of EC financial support» INTED2019 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, рр.8038-8044
- Karimova Mutriba (2019) «Technological methods of teaching English at Khujand State University» Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary international challenges and prospective. (Conference Proceedings June, 3 – 4 2019) Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk
- A.D. Domullojono, D.A.Abdulloev, U. Hummatov (2019) «Wind – Helio Biogas Installations for Dry Hot Climate Regions» Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary international challenges and prospective. (Conference Proceedings June, 3 – 4 2019) Russian Federation.
- Abdulahat Kadirov, Akmal Qodirov (2019) «Thermal Energy Converter Based on Metallurgical Silicon of Cubic Form» Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary international challenges and prospective. (Conference Proceedings June, 3 – 4 2019) Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk
- Abdulahat Kadirov, Nilufar Javharova (2019) «The Use Of Renewable Energy Sources By Categories Of Gross, Technically Feasible and economically Viable Potential» Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary international challenges and prospective (Conference Proceedings June, 3 – 4 2019) Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk
- M.U. Numonov, R.A. Kholmatov, N.K. Bobojonova (2019) «SIM Card and its Evaluation in Sughd Region» Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary international challenges and prospective (Conference Proceedings June, 3 – 4 2019) Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk.
- Valliev Rustam, Sidiqov Vosidjon, Melibaev Bahodur (2019) «Dephozphorization Iron Ore Concentrate Technology at Experimental – Industrial Phase» Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary international challenges and prospective (Conference Proceedings June 3 – 4 2019) Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk
- Abduvahob Vahobov, Mavzuna Huseinova, Zafarjon Zainidinov (2019) «Modeling of Social and Economic Processing and Technical Possibilities of Implementation on Server Technologies» Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary international challenges and prospective (Conference Proceedings June 3 – 4 2019) Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk
- I.D. Fayziev, Z.I. Fayziev, Z.L. Yuldoshev (2019) «Pedagogical Background for the development of Physical and Technical Education in Tajikistan» Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary international challenges and prospective. (Conference Proceedings June 3 – 4 2019) Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk
- Gafarov F., Orinina L. (2019) The use of Educational Innovations of European Universities in the University Space of Tajikistan and Russia. EXTEND dissemination Conference. Proceeding of the International Conference Development of Engineering Teaching through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 2019. P.18-30.
- Aslitdinova A. (2019) Self-assessment of the Educational Technology Management System at Universities in Tajikistan as EXTEND Preparation Phase. EXTEND dissemination Conference. Proceeding of the International Conference Development of Engineering Teaching through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 2019. P.3-18.
- Odinaev R., Raimzoda F. (2019) Computer simulation of the stationary problem of plant protection with indirect trophic functions. Proceeding of the International Conference Development of Engineering Teaching through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 2019. P.68-72.
- Gafarov F. (2019) ICT and their Role in the Development of Education. EXTEND dissemination conference. Proceeding of International Conference Development of Engineering Teaching through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 2019. P.152-155
- Odinaeva S. (2019) Creation of electronic material on the example of a three – level equation system// Proceeding of International. Conference Development of Engineering Teaching through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, 2019. P. 227-238.
- Smirnova Elena, Lazarou Elisabeth, Vatolkina Natalia, Dascalu Maria-Iuliana (2019). “Preparation of Phd Students for Engineering Disciplines’ Teaching”, A. Kravets, P. Groumpos, M. Shcherbakov, M. Kultsova (eds) Creativity in intelligent technologies and data science. CIT&DS 2019. Comunications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1084. Springer, Cham, 2019, pp. 351-265. Print ISBN 978-3-030-29749-7, Online ISBN 978-3-030-29750-3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29750-3_28.
- Dascalu Maria-Iuliana, Lazarou Elisabeth, Constantin Victor-Florin (2019). Technology Model to Support the Initiation of Innovation Artefacts, A. Kravets, P. Groumpos, M. Shcherbakov, M. Kultsova, (eds) Creativity in intelligent technologies and data science. CIT&DS 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1083. Springer, Cham, 2019, pp. 278–287, Print ISBN 978-3-030-29742-8, Online ISBN 978-3-030-29743-5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29743-5_22.
- Lazarou Elisabeth, Vatolkina Natalia, Dascalu Maria, Smirnova Elena (2019). Training PhD students for teaching of engineering disciplines: Study of Russian Universities Experience. Proceedings of The 9th Balkan Region Conference on Engineering and Business Education and The 12th International Conference on Engineering and Business Education, Oct 2019, Sibiu, Romania.
- Lazarou Elisabeth, Zerkina Natalya, Savinova Yulia (2019). EXTEND Project: Systematic Approach to Curricula Development”. Proceedings of The 9th Balkan Region Conference on Engineering and Business Education and The 12th International Conference on Engineering and Business Education, Oct 2019, Sibiu, Romania. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43122492
- Dascalu Maria, Constantin Victor-Florin, Lazarou Elisabeth (2019). Emergent technologies-based solution for identification of innovative resources in engineering education and research. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives”, June 3-4, 2019, Magnitogorsk, Russia, 2019. ISBN 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Dascalu Maria-Iuliana, Lazarou Elisabeth, Nitu Melania, Stanica Iulia-Cristina, Bodea Constanța-Nicoleta, Dobrescu Alexandra-Maria (2019). “Ontologies - Facilitators for Curriculum Design in Centers of Excellence for Engineering Education”, Proceedings of 15th International Scientific Conference on eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE) - New Technologies and Redesigning Learning Spaces, vol. III, Bucharest, Romania, April 11-12, 2019, pp. 11-18, ISSN: 2066-026X. DOI:10.12753/2066-026X-19-138, WOS:000473324500001.
- Zerkina Natalya N., Lomakina Yekaterina A., Kisel Olesya V., Lazarou Elisabeth (2019). “EXTEND centre’s resources for increasing general digital literacy”, Proceedings of 15th International Scientific Conference on eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE) - New Technologies and Redesigning Learning Spaces, vol. III, Bucharest, Romania, April 11-12, 2019, pp. 140-145, ISSN: 2066-026X, DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-156.WOS: 000473324500019.
- Dascalu Maria-Iuliana, Ursachi, Tudor Mihai, Brezoaie, Robert, Stanica Iulia-Cristina, Dragoi, George (2019). “ARVEE - An Innovative Application based on Virtual Reality for Immersive Education”, Proceedings of 15th International Scientific Conference on eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE) - New Technologies and Redesigning Learning Spaces, vol. III, Bucharest, Romania, April 11-12, 2019, vol. 3, pp. 19-226, ISSN: 2066-026X, DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-139.
- Miloradova N.G, Ishkov A.D. (2019) Educational technologies in Russian universities: the results of an international study of the quality of engineering education. Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2019, №1, pages 113-117 https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38032951
- Ivanova Z.I., Shvedov S.A. (2019) New generation learning materials as a response to the requests of a modern student (based on the results of sociological survey). Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2019, № 6, pages 1137-1141. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41199422
- Miloradova N.G, Ishkov A.D. (2019) The impact of changes in the labor market on personnel training of higher qualification in postgraduate study. Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2019, № 4 (105), pages 30-33. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38307310
- Miloradova N.G, Ishkov A.D. (2019) Training of the highly qualified personnel in the postgraduate study in Russia and Tajikistan: results of the sociological poll. International journal of applied exercise physiology, 2019, Tom 8 № 3.1, pages 373-380. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=40406707
- Zerkina N.N., Dubskikh A.I. (2019) EXTEND Project: High School Teacher's Role in Organizing Students' Scientific and Research Work: “Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives”. Foreign Languages for Engineering Chair, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University. 2019. P. 105-108.
- Savinova Yu.A., Zerkina N.N. (2019) EXTEND Project: Elaboration of the Course “Foreign Languages for Engineering and Academic Writing” - “Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives”. Foreign Languages for Engineering Chair, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University. 2019. P. 111-113.
- Zerkina N.N., Savinova Yu.A. (2019) Techniques of International Communication: EXTEND Project: Актуальные проблемы современной науки, техники и образования. Магнитогорск. 2019. Т. 10. № 2. С. 84-87.
- Salimova T., Soldatova E, Filippova I. (2019) Improving the Quality of Engineering Education through Modern Educational Technologies// 15th International Scientific Conference on eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE) - New Technologies and Redesigning Learning Spaces, Bucharest, Romania, 2019. – Vol.3.–P. 86-94
- Balynskaya N.R., Kuznetsova N.V., Simakov D.B., Vasilyeva A.G., Akulova I.S., Orinina L.V., Kashuba M.G., THE SPECIFICS OF THE RUSSIAN MEDIA PROCESS IN THE CONTEXT OF TRANSFORMATIONS, Opcion. 2019. Т. 35. № Special Issue 20. С. 248-262. 3
- Г.И.Носова, ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ МЕХАНИЗМОВ МЕНТАЛЬНОЙ АРИФМЕТИКИ КАК ФАКТОРА ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ПОЗНАВАТЕЛЬНОГО ИНТЕРЕСА МЛАДШИХ ШКОЛЬНИКОВ Гак О.Д. В сборнике: СТУДЕНТ И НАУКА (ГУМАНИТАРНЫЙ ЦИКЛ) - 2019. материалы международной студенческой научно-практической конференции. Магнитогорский государственный технический университет им. 2019. С. 1090-1093. 0 15.
- Оринина Л.В., Кашуба И.В., Дёрина Н.В., Рабина Е.И., СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ ПОДХОДЫ В СИСТЕМЕ ИНЖЕНЕРНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ, Высшее образование в России. 2019. Т. 28. № 6. С. 129-137. 6
- Оринина Л.В., Одинаева С.А., ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ПРОЕКТНОГО ПОДХОДА В ИНЖЕНЕРНОМ ОБРАЗОВАНИИ РОССИИ И ТАДЖИКИСТАНА Гуманитарно-педагогические исследования. 2019. Т. 3. № 4. С. 14-20.
- Зеркина Н.Н., Савинова Ю.А, (2019) Технологии иноязычной профессиональной коммуникации: проект EXTEND: Актуальные проблемы современной науки, техники и образования. Тезисы докладов 77-й международной научно-технической конференции. Магнитогорск. 2019. С. 379-380.
- Savinova Yuliya, Pozdnyakova Svetlana, Mokrova Natalia (2019) Electronic Terminological Mini-Dictionary in the Contect of Cognitive and Methodological challenges. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference “eLearining and Softweare for Edudation” New technology and redesigning learning spaces, vol. 3, pp. 95-101, DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-149.
- Sharifi Daler, Aslitdinova Alla (2019) Introduction and USE of Modern Educational Technologies in Education in the Republic of Tajikistan. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference “eLearining and Softweare for Edudation” New technology and redesigning learning spaces, vol. 3, pp. 107-112. DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-151.
- Smirnova Elena, Stepanova Maria, Zvereva Ksenya (2019) The Kolmogorov Complexity as a Tool of PhD Students’ preparation to be a Researcher. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference “eLearining and Softweare for Edudation” New technology and redesigning learning spaces, vol. 3, pp. 119-124. DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-153.
- Valtins Karlis, Muracova Natalja (2019) Intelligent Feedback Systems in Higher Education – Why and How? Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference “eLearining and Softweare for Edudation” New technology and redesigning learning spaces, vol. 3, pp.125-132. DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-154.
- Zerkina Natalya, Chusavitian Galina, Karmanova Ekaterina (2019) Use of Network Services Web 2.0 for ICT Comptende Formatoin of Students in Engineering with Application of Project Approach. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference “eLearining and Softweare for Edudation” New technology and redesigning learning spaces, vol. 3, pp. 133-139. DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-19-155.
- Salimova Tatiana A., Makolov Vasily I. (2019) The Development of Quality Assurance Sysetems of Joint Educational Programs. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 145-147. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Shilkina Alviva T. (2019) Improving Industrial Enterprise Technological Development Management Based on the Cluster Approach. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 148-152. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Guskova Nadezda D, Erastova Alexandra V. (2019) Implementation of the Network Master Programme as One of Tools to Counter the Challenges of Modern Education. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 21-24. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Soldatova Eleva V., Filippova Irina V. (2019) Use of Modern Educational Technologies in University Activities: Experience of Mordovia State University. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 49-52. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Qurbonova Umeda, Orifov Orzu (2019) Peculiarities of E-Learning Materials Implementation in Education Process. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 52-54. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Valiev Rustam M., Sidikov Vosidjan T., Melikbaev Sidikov (2019) Dephozphorization Iron Ore Concetrate Technologoy at Experimental-Industrial Phase. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 93-96. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- A.D. Domullojono, D.A.Abdulloev, U. Hummatov (2019) «Wind – Helio Biogas Installations for Dry Hot Climate Regions» Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary international challenges and prospective (Conference Proceedings June, 3 – 4 2019) Russian Federation. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Biryukova Lyudmila I., Shilkina Alvina T. (2019) Transformation of Approaches in Quality Managemetn for Students’ Training According to “Generation Theory”. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 186-189. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Anikina Natalya V., Glukhova Tatyana V. (2019) The Role and Place of Standards in Bachelor Degree Programs in Business Informatics. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 119-122. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Bodrikov Andrej (2019) Lean Manufacturing Development in the Digital Age. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 125-131. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Varakina Olga (2019) Risk Management in Russian Companies: State and Development Prospects. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 153-155. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Mikhalkin Denis (2019) Process Improvement Using Statistical Methods of Quality Management Techniques. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 162-165. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Lesina Olga (2019) Management of Stakeholders in the Framework of the IMS Enterprise. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 165-167. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Danilkin Sergei (2019) Standards for Management Systems of Automotive Industry Companies. Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 171-175. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Biryukova Lyudmila, Chernyshva, Natalia (2019) Risk Management at Military-Industrial Complex Enterprises: Options and Tools to Exposure Risks. . Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference. ―Modern Engineering Education: Contemporary International Challenges and Perspectives. 3-4 June 2019 Magnitogorsk, Russia, pp 177-181. ISBN: 978-5-00150-492-4.
- Aslitdinova A. (2019) Self-assessment of the Educational Technology Management System at Universities in Tajikistan as EXTEND Preparation Phase. Proceedings of the International Conference Development of Engineeirng Teaching through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education of Tajikistan. Dushanbe, pp. 3-18.
- Atoev Shohkruh (2019) Case study: The effects of implementing Problem-Based Learning in Engineering Educaiton of the Republic of Tajikistan. Proceedings of dissemination EXTEND conference- Development of Engineering Teaching Through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan. 25-26 June 2019, Dushanbe, pp. 47-53.
- Orinina Larisa V. (2019) Perspective directions in the creation of EXTEND-centres of the University of the Consortium: On the Example of the Phenomenon of Dissemination. Proceedings of dissemination EXTEND conference – Development of Engineering Teaching Through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan. 25-26 June 2019, Dushanbe, pp. 42-46.
- Orinina Larisa V. (2019) Possibilities of Implementation of the Design Approach in Engineering Educacaito of Russia and Tajikistan on the Example of European University Experience. Proceedings of dissemination EXTEND conference – Development of Engineering Teaching Through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan. 25-26 June 2019, Dushanbe, pp. 119-124.
- Jafarov Ahror (2019) Influence of Extend-centers on the formation of teachers' professional skills and competitiveness of graduates of the specialties. Design Approach in Engineering Educacaito of Russia and Tajikistan on the Example of European University Experience. Proceedings of dissemination EXTEND conference – Development of Engineering Teaching Through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan. 25-26 June 2019, Dushanbe,pp. 175-191.
- Бобоев Х. (2019) Роль естественных наук в фундаментализации процессе подготовки специалиста в техническом Вузе. Proceedings of dissemination EXTEND conference – Development of Engineering Teaching Through the New Pedagogy Approaches in Higher Education Institutions of Tajikistan. 25-26 June 2019, Dushanbe,pp. 175-180.
- Sidiqov Aabduvosit, Vahobov Abduvahob, Smirnova Elena (2019) «New Approaches to the Organization of Educational Processes for Engineering Directions in Tajikistan» The 15 th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education Bucharest, April 11-12, 2019 10.12753/2066-026X-19-152, pр. 113-118
- Mesquita, D., Salimova, T., Soldatova, E., Atoev, S., & Lima, R. M. (2020). What can be recommended to engineering teachers from the analysis of 16 European teaching and learning best practices? Paper presented at the SEFI 47th Annual Conference: Complexity is the New Normality, Proceedings, Budapest, Hungary.
- Mesquita, D., Salimova, T., Soldatova, E., & Lima, R. M. (2020, 27–30 April, 2020). An Overview of Organizational Approaches for Teacher Professional Development in Europe. Paper presented at the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON'2020), 27–30 April 2020, Porto, Portugal. P.1795-1799.
- Salimova Т., Soldatova Е. How to Create Sustainable Future through Curriculum in Higher Education. International Conference on Active Learning in Engineering Education. 2020. P.199-205.
- Ivanova Z.I., Shvedov S.A. Modern Practices of Teaching Materials Development for Higher Polytechnic Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2020). Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 128. https://doi.org/10.2991/aebmr.k.200312.374
- Zerkina N.N., Savinova Y.A., Kostina N.N (2020) EXTEND Project: Piloting the Course “Foreign Languages for Engineering. Academic Writing at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University”. 16th eLearning and Software for Education Conference, Bucharest. 2020. P. 498-504.
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- Оринина Л.В., Одинаева С.А. ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ПРОЕКТНОГО ПОДХОДА В ИНЖЕНЕРНОМ ОБРАЗОВАНИИ РОССИИ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ОПЫТА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИХ ВУЗОВ). В сборнике: Концепции современного образования: вопросы теории и практики. Сборник научных трудов. Казань, 2020. С. 86-93. 0
- Оринина Л.В., ПРОЕКТНО-ОРИЕНТИРОВАННЫЕ ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЕ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ, В книге: АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ СОВРЕМЕННОЙ НАУКИ, ТЕХНИКИ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ. Тезисы докладов 78-й международной научно-технической конференции. 2020. С. 348. 0 11.
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- Оринина Л.В., Кашуба М.Г., Гафаров Ф.А., СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ ПОДХОДЫ В СИСТЕМЕ ИНЖЕНЕРНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИИ И ТАДЖИКИСТАНА Вестник Таджикского национального университета. 2020. № 1. С. 169-176.
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- Pozdnayakova Svetlana, Savinova Yuliya, Kiriechenko Natalia (2020). E-Learining and IN-Class-Learning Systemes for Undergraduate Engineering Studdents: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference “eLearning and Software for Education” eLearning Sustainment For Never-ending Learning. 30 April – 1. May 2020, Vol. 2, pp.455-469. DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-20-145.
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- Зеркина Н.Н., Ломакина Е.А., Савинова Ю.А. Проект EXTEND: процедуры и этапы разработки курса Иностранный язык для инженеров. Академическое письмо" (EXTEND Project: Procedures and Stages of “Foreign Languages for Engineering. Academic Writing” Course Elaboration): Балтийский гуманитарный журнал. 2021. Т. 10. № 1 (34). С. 113-117.
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- Anca-Mihaela Stefan, Ailin Sait-Amet, Maria-Iuliana Dascalu, Elisabeth Lazarou: ORGANIZATIONAL E-LEARNING IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC CONTEXT: A ROMANIAN CASE-STUDY. Proceedings of The 17th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE) Bucharest, April 22-23, 2021. Romania, pp. 322-328. DOI: 10.12753/2066-026X-21-108.
- Savinova, Yulia; Zerkina, Natalya N.; Lazarou, Elisabeth: CHALLENGES OF EXTEND PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION (BASED ON NMSTU EXPERIENCE). Proceedings of The 17th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE) Bucharest, April 22-23, 2021, Romania, pp. 386-394. http://dx.doi.org/10.12753/2066-026X-21-016.
- Maria-Iuliana Dascalu, Ioana-Antonia Nanau, Iulia-Cristina Stanica, Elisabeth Lazarou, Constanta-Nicoleta Bodea: A NEW CAREER PATH PROFILING SYSTEM USING DATA FUSION AND ESCO SERVICES APO. Proceedings of the 17th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE) Bucharest, April 22-23, 2021, Romania, pp. 314-321. http://dx.doi.org/10.12753/2066-026X-21-107.
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