Qurbonova Umeda, Phd on Pedagogy Sciences
- Rafiev Safarkhon, Phd on Pedagogy Sciences
- Hofizov Alisher, Researcher,
Republic of Tajikistan, Kulob City, S.Safarov Str. 16, building #1, room 201
- Training for the teachers and PhD students in the field of 8 cpurses developed around EXTEND project;
- Development of training programs in the field of the modern teaching and learning of new courses for staff and students raising experiences;
- Research in the field of modern education technologies;
- Organization of networking and discussion activities like conferences and round-tables;
- Teacher and PhD students consultations and support in implementation of new technologies, learning and teaching tools.
Trainer will provide the main information about the Communication course and about the abilities the participants will obtain during their participation

Here the trainers show the participants how to introduce themselves in different places, for example, formally and informally.

Teamwork process