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Larisa V. Orinina


Surname, first name

Diploma specialisation


Work experience

Larisa Vladimirovna Orinina

Teacher of Russian language and Literature.

Clinical psychologist.


PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

General - 20 years

Inessa Valerievna Kashuba


PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

General - 30 years

Yulia Anatolievna Savinova

Teacher of English and German Languages

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

General - 25 years

Natalya Nikolaevna Zerkina

Teacher of English and German Languages

PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Foreign Languages for Engineering

General - 28 years

Ruban Konstantin Alekseevich

IT specialist (in Economics)

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Head of IT and Automated Control Systems Department

General – 18 years

Samarokova Irina Vladimirovna

Teacher of Mathematics and Physics

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

General -31 years

Centre description

Scientific and educational centre ”NMSTU EXTEND Centre” was established on February 14, 2020 in order to unite the efforts and resources of EXTEND Сentres network.

The basis for the creation of ”NMSTU EXTEND Centre” was the Partnership Agreement on the international educational project Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education EXTEND 586060-EPP-1-2017- RO-EPPKA2-CBHE JP "Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogical Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan" with Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.

At present we consider Scientific and educational  ”NMSTU EXTEND Centre” as a ground for Sustainable Development, capable of ensuring the effective international cooperation implementation in the effective educational environment design in order to create online courses developed jointly with the consortium in the educational process. 


  • research, development and implementation of modern methods and approaches in the field of engineering, pedagogical innovations in accordance with the priority directions of the world science;
  • application of modern pedagogical approaches in developing and shaping foreign language professional competence, ICT competence, etc.;
  • improvement of building students' and young scientists' skills and experience in the field of pedagogical innovations at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University on the basis of the best European practices;
  • involvement of  Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University teaching staff and other stakeholders in qualification upgrading programmes, professional retraining, language competence development programmes, and participation in research and practical conferences, seminars and discussion platforms;  
  • developing cooperation with domestic and foreign educational institutions and scientific organizations;
  • conducting scientific and methodical research;
  • organization, conducting and participation in conferences, meetings, symposia, seminars, master classes, schools and other scientific and educational events;
  • developing and implementing the online courses ("Project Based Learning", "E-learning and ICT-tools"; "Foreign Language for Engineering. Academic Writing"; "Research Based Learning", "Curriculum Design and Development"; "Assessment", "Communication") in the educational process within collaboration with other universities of the consortium and with support of EXTEND Centres of the universities in Russia, Tajikistan, Romania, Latvia, Portugal and the United Kingdom.

Interaction Benefits with the Division

  • organisation and control of the scientific research progress, development and implementation of new educational technologies in the educational process of the university;
  • dissemination of information aimed at improving the thematic content and content of the Centre activities, its methodological support;
  • participation in various meetings on issues related to the Centre work;
  • building of temporary scientific and educational teams to solve scientific and educational tasks;
  • involvement in the implementation of research, scientific and educational work, including part-time and subcontracting, teaching staff, researchers and other employees of the university and specialists from outside organizations.

The material and technical basis of the structural unit includes multimedia equipment purchased within the Project implementation:

  • 1 videoconferencing system;
  • 1 smartboard;
  • 10 computers;
  • 9 laptops;
  • 1 multifunctinal device;
  • 1 multifunctional projector.


  • Video lecture "USE in English: how to successfully prepare for the Unified State Examinations" (March 2019);
  • Master class for teachers in Magnitogorsk "International educational trends in the system of the best European practices" (April 2019);
  • Social and psychological trainings;
  • Training for students "Engineering education for humanitarians: parallel straight lines or?" (September 2020);
  • Training on prevention of the emotional burnout of the teachers (April 2021, September 2021);
  • Online training "Effective Team Building" (May 2021, October 2021);
  • Binary psychological training "Prevention of emotional burnout of university teachers: causes and prevention" (December 2021);
  • International Scientific and practical Video Conference "Modern Pedagogical Approaches as a Factor in Modernization of Engineering Education in Russia and Tajikistan";
  • Pilot lesson on the course "Communication" + teleconference with partner universities (March-April 2021);
  • Piloting the course "English for Engineering. Academic Writing" (2020-2021);
  • Preparation for the project session with Skolkovo Business School: ( presentation of business projects at the preliminary stage of studies: June 2020, November 2021)
  • Holding of EXTEND PhD School (November 2021), etc.

Priority work areas

  • implementation of professional development courses applying modern educational programmes;
  • increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of NMSTU students, PhD students, teachers and other stakeholders through the implementation of socio-psychological training programmes in the Centre;
  • development and implementation of the complex personal development programs for students, teaching staff of  NMSTU and other stakeholders in technical directions of training;
  • improving the linguistic competence, IT competence of NMSTU students, teaching staff and other stakeholders through a programme of special courses.


Magnitogorsk, 26, Lenin Ave. Room 237

NMSTU in pictures 

NMSTU EXTEND CENTRE is actively used for educational and scientific events, promotion of the best practices and experience in the worldwide scale.

The modern audio-visual facilities and well-equipped Centre is constantly used for conducting events and developing new pedagogic ideas and elaborating new educational formats; for accumulating and developing information on distant education after covid pandemic.


The following events of this year may illustrate the work of NMSTU EXTEND Centre

1. National Scientific and Technical Conference MODERN ENGINEERING EDUCATION: Challenges and Perspective, 7-8 February, 2022.

(as continuation of NMSTU(2019) EXTEND Conference)

Programme, Proceedings and Call for Papers of National Scientific and Technical Conference MODERN ENGINEERING EDUCATION: Challenges and Perspective, 7-8 February, 2022.

2. International Forum “EuroAsia”, 7-8 April, 2022

Participants of International Forum “EuroAsia”, 2022 in NMSTU EXTEND Centre

Foreign Languages for Engineering Chair at International Forum “EuroAsia”, 2022

3. Annual International Scientific and Technical Conference, 21 April, 2022


Foreign Languages for Engineering Chair at Annual International Scientific and Technical Conference, 21 April, 2022

4. Professional Quest “Academy of Development” for engineering students, 2022

Participants of Professional Quest “Academy of Development” for engineering students, 27 April,2022