EXTEND CENTER was opened on January 28, 2020 on the premises of MRSU and operates according to the adopted regulations. The strategic goal of the EXTEND CENTER is to improve the quality of engineering education.
Educational activities focused on development and implementation of training courses for PhD students in Engineering, life-long learning of university teachers in Engineering and related studies, consulting based on best European practices, building electronic database of media resources and development of digital learning environment in the relevant field;
Research activities on development of methodology to enhance teaching engineering disciplines, tools and methods, improvement of quality of engineering education meeting the requirements of various groups of stakeholders; development and implementation of research projects in engineering education in collaboration with Russian and international partners;
Promotion of the University image in quality of engineering education and development of partnerships with scientific and educational institutions;
Hosting conferences, meetings, seminars, round tables and other events on the issues of engineering education.
Tatyana Glukhova
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Quality Management Chair. Author of more than 100 publications, Author of more than 100 publications, including articles, monographs, study aids, manuals, courseware, etc.
Research domains: Modern Information Technology Solutions in Economics and Management, Means and Methods of Quality Management.
Courses delivered: Means and Methods of Quality Management, Statistical Methods in Quality Management, Process Management.
EXTEND CENTER is a unit of MRSU and located at Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Polezhaev Str., building 44, rooms 412, 420.
The center is equipped with JALINGA STUDIO software and hardware designed to develop courses using new technologies for online and digital education (host webinars, shoot interactive educational videos / vlogs for on-line courses, etc.).
The strategic goal of the EXTEND CENTER is to improve the quality of engineering education.
The purpose of the EXTEND Center is to solve the following tasks:
The functions of EXTEND CENTER are:
In the framework of the implementation of the task of organizing and implementing educational activities for the formation and development of universal, general professional and professional competencies of students, as well as maintaining the continuing education system of university teachers involved in the training of engineering and related fields of training and specialties:
As part of the implementation of the task of carrying out research activities on the development of methodological and methodological approaches to improving the quality of engineering education based on the requirements of various groups of stakeholders:
As part of the implementation of the tasks of participating in promoting the image of the University in the field of quality of engineering education and the development of partnerships with departmental research and educational central centers:
As part of the functioning of the EXTEND-Center, the interactive studio Jalinga is actively used, including for the implementation of the educational course "Design of educational programs: integration of the experience of European and Russian universities."
The Jalinga Studio complex includes a presentation editor and a system for filming and broadcasting video. Listeners of the educational course are shown the capabilities of Jalinga for recording online courses, video lectures, training materials, which can later be used to implement educational programs using e-learning and distance learning technologies.
National Research Mordovia State University, Russian Federation Date: 1nd stage of the pilot testing - from March 22 to April 02 , 2021- Тeachers; 2nd stage of the pilot testing - from April 05 to April 16 , 2021- PhD students. Venue: MRSU, Saransk, Russian Federation Piloted module: Design of educational programs: integrating the experience of European and Russian universities / Curriculum Design and Development Participants: 1nd stage of the pilot testing – Teachers; 2nd stage of the pilot testing - PhD students. Number of participants: 1nd stage of the pilot testing – 31 Teachers / 2nd Stage of pilot testing - 46 PhD students |
From March 22 to April 02, 2021, the second stage of the pilot testing of the educational course "Design of educational programs: integrating the experience of European and Russian universities" took place at MRSU. The educational course was delivered in a mixed format. The audience included not only MRSU teachers, but also teachers from the Higher School of Economics, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian State University for the Humanities, the Moscow University of Finance and Law, and the Kazan Innovation University V.G. Timiryasov, Saransk Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation. Particular attention was paid to the possibilities of implementing a project-based approach in the educational process, practice-oriented learning, as well as to the approaches of formation of cross-cutting (universal) competencies, aspects of leadership and team building.
On March 23, 2021 the listeners got acquainted with the practices of gamification and application of game methods, technologies and mechanisms in the educational process. Of particular interest was the Brain Slaughter - a battle that allowed the audience to make sure in practice that “smart games” set educational and developmental rather than entertaining goals, helping the teacher to involve students in the educational process, correctly present complex information and facilitate its perception. On March 24, 2021 students of the educational course got acquainted with LEGO®SERIOUS PLAY - a method of game modeling of business situations. The main purpose of using this method in the educational process is to stimulate the creative abilities of students, make them turn off the stereotyped thinking, and also work out basic communication and management skills, self-management skills to control time, processes, projects, a team and oneself. On March 26, 2021, students of the educational course visited the "Process Factory" - a unique educational space for studying technologies and tools of Lean production. Thanks to special equipment, imitation of technological sites, materials and simulators, students became participants of the most accurate simulation of the production cycle of work processes. Simulation, as a teaching method, allows you to take a fresh look at the principles of the production system and see with your own eyes that even minor changes in the work process affect economic indicators, as well as to realize the important role played by the personal contribution and initiative of each employee.
![]() ![]() ![]() On March 31, 2021 students of the educational course assessed the possibilities and prospects of using Google services for organizing the educational process, and also identified the benefits of YouTube broadcast, Google Sheets, Jam Board and other services.
![]() ![]() ![]() On April 2, 2021 the second stage of the pilot testing of the educational course "Design of educational programs: integration of the experience of European and Russian universities" for teachers was completed. The listeners of the program took part in the final questionnaire determining the trajectory of further development and implementation of the manned training course. The round table held at the end confirmed that the participants in the pilot testing managed to improve their level of knowledge, develop professional competencies in the field of educational programs based on a management project and a practice-oriented approach to learning, the use of active educational strategies based on the experience of European and Russian universities. From April 5 to April 16, 2021, classes for first and second year graduate students were held at MRSU as part of the 2nd stage of the pilot testing of the training course "Design of educational programs: integrating the experience of European and Russian universities".
This educational course was aimed to develop the practice-oriented approach to learning, as well as the use of active educational strategies based on the integration of the experience of European and Russian universities. The training course was implemented in an online format, respectively, during its conduct, the emphasis was placed on interactive teaching methods and information and communication technologies. The results of the final questionnaire survey of students confirmed that the participants of the pilot testing are ready to use a wide range of concepts, strategies, methods and teaching technologies presented in the course in their teaching activities, and also confirmed their interest in studying the techniques of designing / designing educational programs based on the best European pedagogical practices. Link to MRSU course platform |