Technological University of Tajikistan (TUT) as a higher education institution in Tajikistan prepares highly qualified specialists under the specialization of Information and Communication Technologies, Food and Light Industrial Technologies, Management, Economics and Design. TUT has 9 faculties, 23 graduation departments and students are specialized under 39 fields of study. Presently, at the university study about 5100 students according to three-cycled education (Bachelor, Master, and PhD).
In 2005 TUT was selected by the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan as a pilot university on introduction of Bolognese credit education system. Therefore, taking into account the complete introduction of the system and based on achieved positive results, Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan recommended other HEIs in the country to launch credit education.
Technological University of Tajikistan has signed cooperation agreements with more than 70 foreign HEIs. In the frame of the established cooperation there is being carried out a number of scientific-research works, are made students and teachers’ exchanges with the purpose of internships and participation in various mobility, symposiums and conferences. In regards to participation in the TEMPUS Program, TUT since 2008 actively has been participating in the implementation of several TEMPUS and Erasmus+ projects of European Commission.
Moreover, within the past 7 years at the university there has been implementing the policy of creativity in all spheres of its activities. Having launched the credit system of education, there was given absolute freedom of elaboration of curriculum taking into account ESG and EHEA requirements. Our university despite of having technological profile, but according to the number of the students studying in the field of economics, business and finance in comparison to some of the institutions has a priority in these directions. Beginning from 2009 with the initiatives of the university administration involvement of the students to the scientific-research works and enhancing theirs creative spirit, at the university there was launched a competition among students on “Best creative-innovation project”, which is conducted every semester. At the same time, regarding the involvement of the students to scientific-practical study groups, at the university elaborated a special program on “Search of Talents”, which gives an impulse to the students’ creativity spirit.
In addition, taking into account the labor market demands, 4 years ago at the university was opened the specialties in the direction «Pedagogy. Professional education» connecting the engineering disciplines with pedagogy. Such interrelations gives the opportunities to widen the area of activities and employability of the future graduates. However, we still face difficulties in the provision of the educational-methodical normative-regulating document in the full scale of the general cycle of the preparation of the specialists on this direction. Despite of these difficulties, at the university has been formed a school with scientific direction which actively conducts research and sets up the basis for the further development of these specialties.
TUT participates in the Start Off meeting, all PMB meetings and project conferences, contributes to all the discussion and planning and QA procedures.
TUT leads development of on-line platform for the TJK partners, coordinates it’s ongoing population during and after life-time of the project. TUT participates in all work packages: WP 1 (all activities), WP 2 (establish EXTEND centre and leads the development of documentation for TJK partners, hosts training seminar for EXTEND centre staff for TJK partners month 6/18), WP 3 (all activities,). WP 4 (Quality Plan) and WP 6 (Management).
His scope of work is connected with Information and Communication Technology, mainly with Software Engineering and Information Security. He is a member of the Programming and Computer Engineering Department and gives lecture courses to the students on Software Engineering, Data Processing, Information Theory, IT in Education, etc. As a researcher in Education Science (Pedagogy) his research activities mainly related to Educational Measurement (Testology) sphere and he does research on modernization of students’ knowledge assessment system to increase the quality of education.
He is very well experienced in cooperation with different international organizations and projects in education sphere, i.e. TEMPUS, Erasmus+, DAAD, World Bank, Open Society Institution, USAID, UNDP, UNESCO, etc. Thus, he can contribute for the realization of the Project.
Mirzo Yusupov is the vice rector on innovation and education technologies. He graduated Faculty of Mathematics. In the last twenty years, he has been engaged in the preparation of specialists in the field of Information-Communication Technologies. He is the founder and initiator of opening six specializations at the Technological University in the field of Information-Communication Technologies. He is a national coordinator of UNDP and UNESCO on creation of Local Computer Center under Technological University in the Republic of Tajikistan. In addition, he is the first organizer of the republican workshop on the topic „Introduction of Information-Communication Technologies in Education System”
She is the candidate of pedagogical sciences and docent of the Russian language and professional education department of the Technological university of Tajikistan.
Dissertation on: “Organization of search and creative activity of students in the conditions of realization of credit technology of training at the university”.
She is author of different articles:
“Deductive game as a form of independent work of students when building a model of an individual educational trajectory”, “use of computer technology in the modern educational process”, “efficiency of appliance of modern teaching technologies in Russian language classes” and etc.
He has graduated Don State Technical University (Rostov), specializing in machines and devices for food production in 2004. To the present time, He teaches disciplines of projecting, equipment and organization of the food production enterprises at the Technological University of Tajikistan. Scientific work on the topic "Innovative and technological development of the food sub complex of the regional economy" which is under consideration at the dissertation council. The author of 23 scientific articles, 6 patents for inventions and 10 educational and methodical works.
He has graduated Technological University of Tajikistan majoring in Engineering of Standardization Metrology and Certification in Food Industry. He holds a MSc in Food Identity from Ecole Superieure D’Agriculture d’Angers, in France. At the present, he is a lecturer in the faculty of Engineering and Technological of Technological University of Tajikistan. He has been working on this position since 2017. Simultaneously he is the administrator of the EXTEND project by the Technological University of Tajikistan. He is author of various articles. He has very good command of English, Russian, French, Spanish and Farsi languages.