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Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University – NMSTU

Russian Federation

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU) is the main institution of higher education of the industrial city Magnitogorsk. The University is a center for engineering training for mining and metallurgical industries, the leading Flagship University of the Southern Urals, Russia. NMSTU’s mission is to form a regional business elite focused on the creation of scientific and innovative technologies in the field of iSmArt metallurgy for the development of the Southern Ural region and Russia. About 14,000 students study at NMSTU in 328 areas of higher and post-secondary vocational education. The university has 6 Dissertation Defence Boards in 11 scientific specialties, employs more than 2500 lecturers and support staff, including more than one hundred professors, post-doc fellows, associate professors and about 500 Ph.D. holders. The scope of NMSTU research-innovative projects is wide: from the creation of low-temperature steel for pipes of the Nord Stream -2 to the archaeological research of the Bosporus Empire and the State of the northern Black Sea Coast. NMSTU successfully cooperates with foreign countries. Over 60 Partnership Memorandums were signed with universities in 28 countries, including France, China, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Brazil. The University is a member of the international consortium of universities in the European Union and Commonwealth of Independent States.

Role in project

NMSTU hosts seminar and national project conference (month 6/19) in WP 3 with the results of training courses development.

NMSTU participates in all workpackages: WP 1 Preparation (all activities,  NMSTU coordinates the monitoring of tools, methodologies, approaches implemented in university engineering education in PC universities. Survey methodology is elaborated by NMSTU, NMSTU collected the results and presented them as a report). NMSTU also participates in WP 2 (establishment of EXTEND centre and leads the development of documentation for RF partners), WP 3 (all activities). WP 4 (Quality Plan), WP 5 (Dissemination and Exploitation) and WP 6 (Management).

Yuliya A. Savinova

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages for Engineering Chair, NMSTU.

The theme of the PhD thesis: “Building Technical University Students’ Communicative Capacity” (2002).

Sphere of scientific interests: English Language, LSP, Communicative Capacity Building, Country Studies.

Subjects taught: Foreign Language, Foreign Language in Professional Activity, Grammar, Business English, Speaking Practice, Professional-oriented Translation, Country Studies.

Manager of the Erasmus + Project EXTEND 586060-EPP-1-2017- RO-EPPKA2-CBHE JP «Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan»

Active participant of international conferences and forums.

More than 50 publications, including articles, monographs, training manuals, electronic educational resources etc

Team members: 
Larisa V. Orinina

PhD in Pedagogy, associate Professor of the Chair of Teacher Training and Documentation.

The theme of the PhD thesis:  "Building of Civil and Patriotic Competence of University Students" (2006). An active member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League of the Russian Federation, a clinical psychologist, a family system psychotherapist.  

Sphere of scientific interests:

  • questions of patriotic education of students;          
  • questions of the formation of adaptive coping strategies of students;
  • problems of organizing cultural and leisure activities at the university;
  • questions of studying modern Russian and Tajik literature in a comparative context.

The author of more than 97 scientific publications, of which 6 monographs, 30 articles included in the database of scientific peer-reviewed publications; 25 scientific articles published in foreign journals.

Inessa V. Kashuba

PhD in Pedagogy, associate Professor of the Chair of Teacher Training and Documentation, has the State award "Honorary worker of education of the Russian Federation".

The theme of the PhD thesis: "Development of Empathic Potential of Technical University Students in the Process of Professional Training", the grant theme "Development of Empathic Potential of Technical University Students in the Process of Studying Psychological and Pedagogical Disciplines".

Sphere of scientific interests: communication, empathic competence, transport psychology, personal and professional self-development, prevention of emotional burnout.

Subjects taught: "Transport Psychology", "Psychology and Pedagogy", "Personal and Professional Self-Development", etc.

Member of the Erasmus + Project EXTEND 586060-EPP-1-2017-1- RO-EPPKA2-CBHE JP «Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan».

Active participant of international conferences and forums.

Author of more than 80 publications, including articles, monographs, training manuals, electronic educational resources etc. More than 10 articles are included in international data bases Web of Science and Scopus.

Natalya N. Zerkina

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Languages for Engineering Chair, NMSTU.

The theme of the PhD thesis: “Colour-adjectives Semantics in Phraseology of New English Period” (1999).

Sphere of scientific interests: the English Language, LSP, Phraseology, Semantics, ICT in Education etc.

Subjects taught: English, Foreign Language in Professional Activity, Professional-oriented Translation, Theory of Translation, Speaking Practice, Russian as a Foreign Language, Lexicology, Theory of the Language, History of the English Language etc.

Member of the Erasmus + Project EXTEND 586060-EPP-1-2017-1- RO-EPPKA2-CBHE JP «Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan».

Active participant of international conferences and forums.

Author of more than 100 publications, including articles, monographs, training manuals, electronic educational resources etc. More than 30 articles are included in international data bases Web of Science and Scopus.

Konstantin A. Ruban

PhD in Engineering, associate Professor of the Chair of Business Informatics and Informational Technologies, EMBA.

Sphere of scientific interests: interoperability, LINUX and open systems.

Subjects taught: "Development of Web Applications", "Networks".

Member of the Erasmus + Project EXTEND 586060-EPP-1-2017-1- RO-EPPKA2-CBHE JP «Excellence in Engineering Education through Teacher Training and New Pedagogic Approaches in Russia and Tajikistan».

Active participant of international conferences and forums.

Author of more than 30 publications, including articles, monographs, training manuals, electronic educational resources etc.