BMSTU is one of the biggest and oldest universities in Russia with the annual enrollment of over 3,500 students. The university structure includes 8 Research and Education Units with 18 Faculties and two branches in Kaluga and Dmitrov cities. It has 61 % of associate professors (PhD), 26 % of full professors (Doctors of Science degree) and 13 % of faculty staff (Diploma of Specialist holders) teaching about 20, 000 students and 800 PhD students. Faculties and Research Institutes enable students, staff and scientists to study and conduct research and offer courses covering all fields of Engineering Science including manufacturing engineering, computer science, control systems, robotics, medical engineering, power engineering and industrial design. BMSTU pays particular attention to relationships with industrial enterprises and is searching for innovative, high quality ways of preparing graduates for employment.
BMSTU participates in the Start Off meeting, all PMB meetings and project conferences, contributes to all the discussion and planning and QA procedures.
BMSTU is the leading partner of EXTEND responsible for WP 5 Dissemination and coordinate development of dissemination strategy, organization of project conferences, reviews and edits all official project publications including e-books planned within the project; ensures participation of all partners in dissemination activities. BMSTU hosts Final Project Conference (month 10/20). BMSTU leads development of on-line platform for the RF partners, coordinats it’s ongoing population during and after life-time of the project. BMSTU participates in all work packages: WP 1 (all activities), WP 2 (establish EXTEND centre and participates in the development of documentation for RF partners), WP 3 (all activities, BMSTU leads the development of course book for RF partners, offer editorial and publishing services). WP 4 (Quality Plan) and WP 6 (Management).
Vice-rector for International Relations. He has been leading internationalization strategy development and implementation since 2011 at BMSTU covering all the spheres including academic mobility and joint degrees, international student recruitment and support, international research projects and labs, international staff recruitment and support, participation in international associations and other activities.
Role in project: coordination of international activities and project events, procurement management
Since 2011 he is Vice-rector for Economics and Innovation of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Head of Department of Management, Supervisor of two master degree programs in engineering business and management. PhD in Economics. Manages large-scale research and innovation programs in partnership with leading Russian industrial enterprises.
His research interests are management in defense industry, managerial consulting and management in education, innovation management.
Role in project: coordination of financial management and co-financing, coordination of piloting activities.
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Elena V. Smirnova has a good experience in international cooperation. As a Director of IBM Mainframe Center of Excellence at BMSTU she is an internationally recognized by IBM Faculty Award 2007, IBM Faculty Spotlight Nomination 2009, IBM Smarter Planer Award 2012, IBM ISM Champion 2013 and 2014. As a Deputy Head of Computer Systems and Networks Department she works with Russian enterprises and she is responsible for project oriented teaching process. She has strong experience in curriculum preparation.
Role in the project – academic coordinator.
Assistant professor, graduated double degree PhD programm (BMSTU&UniGe). Her areas of research interests are risk management, flood prevention and mitigation, control of water discharge at river dams.
Among research she is delivering a course on improvement of researchers’ scientific activity at the center for continued learning for BMSTU staff.
Olga Ivanova is an author of 10 research papers indexed in Scopus/WoS and one patent.
As assistant professor she is delivering courses “Health and Safety in Technosphere” and “Geoinformation systems”.
Role in project: BMSTU EXTEND Centre director
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Management at BMSTU. Visiting Professor of the several leading Russian universities. She has over 15 years experience of business consulting on issues of management and marketing, organizational design, organizational change. Author and co-author of more than 70 publications on various aspects of the theory and practice of management, including three textbooks.
Role in project: curriculum development and piloting of Project Based Learning course
Since 2015 she is Erasmus+ Higher Education Reform expert in Russia.
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Quality Management Chair. Author of 95 papers published in Russian and international journals and presented in leading conferences. Team member of more than 25 research projects funded by Tempus, Jean Monnet, Erasmus+ Capacity Building in higher education, Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Fund of Humanities, local government, business companies. In 2007 she received a grant of President of Russian Federation for the young researches. Her research fields – quality management, internationalization in education, management in education, sustainable development.
Role in project: administrative support of the project and development of the RBL course